Friday 9 March 2012

IPL photo facial tried and tested review

The IPL photo facial
Do you look at your face and think what happened to my youthful glowing young skin
NO then I wouldnt bother reading on as you dont need this
YES then read on, I am 40 years old my 20's are way way behind me now and im not keen on heavy make up or foundation.

I got IPl about 4 years ago but only on a small part of my face, the very top of my cheeks and a rogue freckle that with time and to much sun over the years had turned into an ugly age spot.

The results were impressive my sun damage was destroyed and a few spider veins got zapped too.
Now 4 years later other parts of my face look grey and shabby make up is just not enough for me anymore especially when your the kind of girl thats not keen on foundation especially when I know there are other things I can do to help which are permanent.

IPL is impulsed light that by using a laser like machine with a hand held part will bring spider veins or sun damage to the surface which then should if done correctly begin to fade and clear up within a few weeks, you have to be careful during this time as the skin is sensitive and care should be taken.

Always get a patch Test if they dont offer one dont get the treatment its not worth the risk

Prior to the treatment you can not drink the night before (as in alcohol) You shouldnt take any blood thinners like warfarin, aspirin or ibuprofen and even garlic capsules and cod liver oil.

After the treatment the same should be done for at least 48 hours.

You shouldnt have a tan or even a fake tan isnt advised. ( your skin is temporarily lightend.)

Arnica is a recommended herbal remedidy you can buy to help aid bruises but theres no real proof this actual will fade IPL bruising.

Pineapple is another recommendation to help aid bruise I have been trying this as I like it and if it benefits my bruising then all the better.

After a few days I started using a warm compress over my face it helps circulation some websites dont advise this but I am finding that although im not 100% sure if it is or not its certainly not making it worse as the bruising is to me and my husband agrees is getting better.

I made an appointment with Transform which is in fact a plastic surgery company it is advised to use a company that deals with plastic surgery and not a local salon where the IPL machine will not be powerful enough and you may end up spending more trying to see results than a stronger higher setting that will show results immediately.

The actual session was £130 for one session and an offer of 3 for £350 which isnt particularly an amazing saving so I was hoping for one to do the job.

I was there for 40 mins in total, the girl put cool gel on my face and taped my eyes up with cotton wool pads, some use glasses it just depends I assume its what they thinks best (your eyes water like hell so prob cotton wool is s good choice,)  The pain itself is like that of getting a tattoo even though of course the process is totally different or if you imagine an elastic band getting twanged really hard off your face is the same type of sensation.

After nearly 20 minutes of using the laser to zap my face it was over, my face was burning like hell and I was blind with tears my eyes would not stop watering for a good few minutes.

My face was then packed in facial ice packs for ten minutes and I was left to relax and soak in the lovely coolness of the packs.  Once that was done I was free to go into the big wide world with my lovely swollen red face

I have to say my husband was quite suprised at how red and swollen and commented simply by saying "OH MY GOD" lol isnt that reassuring.   I had a good look in the mirror and wasnt to worried although the bruises that had risen did make me gulp a few times.

Now its a week later and after loads of questions at work asking how!why! what! its getting better and I would have to say I do now think its worth it, but be prepared for a bit of pain and depending on the bruising a bit of down time while it heals,

Just dont ever plan a big outing for a least a few weeks as you will have marks whether its veins or sun damage.

I have posted pics of now at its worst and I will post some in a few weeks to see the difference.
The machine pic is not the actual device that was used on me but it gives you an idea of what they use as to is the lady lying down that is not me just another example of what to expect.

It may not be your thing and is a personal choice, If you are not offered a patch test then do not go ahead with full treatment if you think you will be ok without a patch test then check out google images for IPL thats gone wrong and burnt people then you will probably come to your senses and change your mind.

This picture is a week later so its clearing up nicely (thank god!!)

Two weeks later and its looking better and better skins staring to look really nice and clear had a compliment today saying for my age my skin was nice haha oh well im still working on the wrinkles.

last pic 3 and half weeks later and its doing well.


  1. too afraid of swelling and bruising at this time to try it.. but thanks for posting about your experience... it was a great read :)

  2. Now a days IPL photo facial has been very easy with the help for latest technology. IPL photo facial is rally good for our face so i will do this. I think this laser machine is one of the best for this facial.

    IPL Irvine

  3. I’m pretty sure everyone is concerned about their skin condition. That’s why I’m truly glad you’ve mentioned this: “If you are not offered a patch test then do not go ahead with full treatment…” Even with the utmost desire to rejuvenate our skin, we should still be very cautious. Any rash decision might result to effects worse than just the typical swelling. You’re skin is continually looking good in the pictures, by the way. :D

    Francis Powers

  4. Thanks for the feedback Francis, I am prone to those awful spider veins so I try to keep them at bay. But you are so right about the patch test it worries me that so many treatments inc IPL dont offer this, I always research something first I think the internet is great to find the good and bad in any beauty treatment.

  5. It is very resourceful post. I have read the entire post and got great new information about ipl photofacial treatment. I would like to pass this information to my friend who want to go through this treatment. I am Sure that This information will help him a lot. Thanks for your genuine efforts towards the post.

  6. Thanks for posting a comment it means a lot that I can help someone who is wanting this procedure,just make sure if they get it done that they always wear a high sun factor after treatment especially if your from a sunny place.

  7. I have deleted someones post in error by trying to be clever and use my husbands ipad instead of my laptop to check my blog, if you ever read this I apologise very much.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. dose really photofacial works on a oily skin

  10. Great Post, Many people are choosing the Laser Photo Facial Treatment to improve the look of their face.If you want to improve the look of your face than Laser Photo Facial is best treatment.

    Shruti Verma

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  12. Great info, Laser Photo Facial treatment can be used to improve pigmentation, freckles, rosacea, broken capillaries and sun-damaged skin. It treats Freckles, Pigmentation, Rosacea, Broken, Capillaries, and Sun Damaged Skin.
    Write Review

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  14. Are you looking for a beneficial treatment for your skin rejuvenation? Photofacial, An IPL Laser Photo Rejuvenation Procedure in Dubai, is for you then. This procedure can help you reverse signs of aging on your skin and restore your youthful and refreshed appearance.

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