Monday 2 April 2012

Scholl Fungal nail Treatment 3.8 ml

Scholl Fungal nail Treatment 3.8 ml £18.99 Boots
This is the last treatment I think I will waste my money on as I am now getting the impression none of these products actually work.  I have tried Excillor nail pen and curanail and clear zal but to no avail.  T-tree oil rubbed in your toes works a little and ive heard vapor rub works if you have the time or patience to rub it in your toes  every day and smell like you have a permanent cold, although I actually havent tried that yet.

So I spent yet another £20 on another nail treatment sighhhh..... I live in hope.
Its only week one and I dont expect miracles as I know it can take 9 months to a year for a toe nail to grow out so this may take some time.

The product is simply a small bottle of clear varnish (wish they would do a colour so you could at least wear sandals whilst they are healing or growing out) at one end and you get about 5 files in the top end of this device to file away some of the nail then like you would with nail varnish you paint it on the infected toes and  leave it to dry and get on with your day. You file infected toes once a week and paint the toes once or twice a day.

This is what scholl have to say-

Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment helps prevent spread of infection and recurrence, and is suitable for treating mild fungal nail conditions.
Why is Scholl Fungal nail treatment different?
Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment is a uniquely designed system for the treatment of fungal nail.
The discrete, easy to use treatment has been specially formulated to penetrate into the nail to kill nail fungus at its source. It also helps to prevent the spread of the fungus & protects against recurrence.
It is an effective, caring solution that can be used at home without prescription.
Dermatologically tested.

What are the visible results?
At the end of the Treatment Phase the level of discolouration on the nail is reduced
After 9-12 months which is the average length of time a human toenail takes to grow-out completely, the discolouration will have disappeared and nails will have recovered with no signs of fungal infection.

What is fungal nail?
Fungal nail is surprisingly common; it is an invasion of fungal species underneath the nail. The fungi are passed from person to person by direct contact and are carried by carpets, socks, shoes and hosiery.

What are the symptoms?
  • Yellow/brownish discolouration of the nail
  • White 'islands' on the surface of the nail
  • The appearance of the nail is rougher, more brittle and with ridges.

What happens if it is not treated?
In most cases the nail will eventually crumble and become detached from the toe or finger.

5 disposable files & advanced formulation.

How to Use

Phase 1: Treatment Phase (4 weeks)
To kill the nail fungus
  • Weeks 1 - File the nail surface once a week
  • Dispose of the file after use
  • Apply the advanced liquid to the infected nail daily
  • Repeat for weeks 2, 3 & 4

Phase two

Apply the advanced liquid to the infected nail
once a week for 9 months or untiI the discolouration has grown out

NaiI varnish or artificial nails should not be worn while using this product.

Ok so lets give this a go I will get back to you on this

I have been using this for two weeks now, I dont expect huge improvements this early in the game so im not going to say anything negative as yet.
My nails look the same and on one of my smaller toes it does look like some of the nasty yellowness is starting to grow out  the others have a  long way to go I think before I see an improvement.
So keep you updated but its so easy to do everyday without being a mundane Job to remember and it drys quick so as for application alone its doing good.

Its been over a few months and I can see improvements and do think it will work over a long period the problem im having is its summer here I want to wear sandals and I cant so at the minute im going to have to stop using it as I need to wear my sandals to let my feet breathe in the heat or my toes will get worse not better.  My advice would be start this in the autumn so you have a good go at it for a long period of time.


  1. any news on the fungus ? did it work ? I have the same problem and nothing works, not even drugs. I am cursed.

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  2. HI
    No it didn't work. I tried cura nail again and it cleared a bit of the nail up but its only going to come back, I found the cheapest thing to use that keeps it at bay is tree t oil massaged into the toes everyday. But they are a long way off finding a proper cure by the looks of it.

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