Wednesday 26 September 2012

Colladeen visage review magic pill or over kill

Colladeen Visage

Heres the science

Anthocyanidin / Pro anthocyanidins: 320mgGreen Tea Leaf:275mg (provided by 50mg of a 5.5:1 extract)
Lutein:6mgZeaxanthin :240µg

60 tablets about £18.95

Heres the Info that is supplied for this product.

Colladeen® Visage contains high strength anthocyanidins as found in Colladeen® Original as well as two further ‘skin loving’ nutrients, lutein and green tea extracts. Previous studies have indicated that anthocyanidins, the blue and red plant pigments found in dark skinned fruits, may help to keep collagen healthy by literally blocking the action of free radicals and destructive enzymes known to progressively weaken collagen as we age. Research also indicates that lutein, a well known carotenoid, may play a protective role against the damaging effects of sunlight.

Now, a new placebo controlled 12 week clinical study has shown that Colladeen® Visage can offer statistically significant skin benefits that include
  • Improved skin elasticity and firmness
  • Reduction of wrinkle depth and appearance
  • A natural protection from sun damage

Colladeen Visage provides an impressive dose of pure anthocyanidins from extracts that concentrate these active compounds by up to 500 times their level in the original plant material, making this one of the richest sources of anthocyanidins you can buy.

Ok so I am 40 so realistically this product should be good for me as I have all the signs of aging, small thread veins, wrinkles, saggy jowls, purple tired eyes, ok so its just starting to happen but this surely should improve and help in these problems well read on with the diary I kept.

I bought these on the Internet via a good website that I knew was reputable for vitamins etc.  They took over a week to come not impressive really I expected them in a few days as I received an email saying dispatched then the tablets arrived 5 days after that.

Week one

The tablets are a salmon pink colour slightly coated and dont taste of anything really, you take 2 a day (why cant they just put all the ingredients in one tablet surely it cant be that hard!)

Week Two

Taking two a day as instructed but finding that later that day have a vile after taste all day in my mouth and an all most indigestion feeling ( I never get indigestion!) drinking lots of water which will probably alone make my skin clearer.

Week Three

Still that awful taste, so I decided taking it at night, but woke up with a nasty dry mouth but was better than the week before as no indigestion.  No change in face in anyway shape or form.

Week Four

Getting bored with this now as still got a dry mouth ( I haven't changed or added anything at all to my diet so I can safely blame these tablets.)
No change to face the same reflexion stares back every day sigh........

Week Five

I have another packet , no change to face or skin I went out in a poor sun today and still caught a slight bit of sun and it wasn't even that strong mmm factor 10 I have my doubts.

Week Six

No change no comment still bored.

Week seven

I asked some of my friends today and my husband if there was any change to my skin at all bearing in mind up till now I hadn't told anyone I was taking them, all comments were no change.  Still dry mouth.

Week Eight

Still fishing for compliments but no luck that could be because theres no change just a dry mouth.

Week Nine

Nope nothing to report oh maybe a dry mouth and indigestion again!

Week Ten

Really studied myself to day and noticed a small spider vein starting to appear under my eye isn't that what this product is supposed to help prevent.  Dry mouth as usual is this beauty lark really worth it!!!

Week Eleven

One week to go yeyyyyy before I can say I gave it a go and stuck it out for the 12 wks that was recommended, No change no compliments, dry mouth and on off Indigestion.

Week Twelve

Last two tablets that im ever taking and thank god, that's me done no more!
conclusion for me anyway
Taken through the day bad taste in mouth nearly all afternoon
taken at night in the morning chronic dry mouth
and the most important thing of all still got my wrinkles, dark circles and a new spider vein.
My advice take the £18.95 and go get yourself a new dark circle cream or foundation.

Week 13

No indigestion yeyyyy
No dry mouth woop woop
And my skin actually looks more hydrated (strange!)


  1. Thanks very musch Besty for this review. You've just saved me some time and money!

  2. Hi Words cant describe how usless these tablets are glad your not wasting your money. Paula

  3. Hi. Why didn't you leave a negative review also on Natures' Best? Thanks

  4. I am sorry it didn't have a good effect on you.
    I tried it for a month and i have seen a good result, my skin improved. I am on my second box and hopefully the good result carries on.
    Maybe it gives different effect on different people.
